Jie Hu

PhD candidate

Department of Computer Science

University of California, Riverside

jhu066 (at) ucr (dot) edu

About Me

I am a PhD student at University of California, Riverside, advised by Prof. Heng Yin. Before joining UCR, I earned my B.E. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. My research interests lie in the field of computer security, where I specialize in developing advanced program analysis techniques (including concolic execution, program fuzz testing, and hybrid fuzzing) for uncovering vulnerabilities within systems and software.


  • [03/2024] Passed dissertation proposal exam!
  • [08/2023] Our work Marco is accepted to ICSE'24!



  • CS182 Software Testing And Verification: 20W;
  • CS179F Project in CS: Operating Systems: 21W;
  • CS165 Computer Security: 23W;
  • CS153 Design of Operating Systems: 24W/22F/22S/21S/20S;
  • CS061 Machine Organization and Assembly Language Programming: 19S;
  • CS010B Intro to Computer Science for Science, Mathematics, & Engineering II (C++): 19W;
  • CS010A Intro to Computer Science for Science, Mathematics, & Engineering I (C++): 23F;
  • CS009A Data Oriented Intro. to Computing I: 23S;

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